Apprendre à l'Ecossaise ! There is no getting away from the fact that, in many countries, teaching methods are developing, which increasingly call on pupils to organise themselves, with teachers tending to take more of a back-seat role, becoming managers rather than the source of all knowledge. Hence the idea of web sites offering worksheets which allow pupils in schools or at home more freedom to study at their own pace. The way of teaching in Scotland 60 years since ! For instance teachers of physics and chemistry, who want to see their pupils progress effectively and enjoyably, will find on scottish internet sites the necessary worksheets to do so. At present, they are only available in english and refer to the scottish schools syllabus. We hope french teachers to do the job of translating some interesting worksheets for the french pupils. Each worksheet covers a specific chapter together with questions. They are intended to motivate pupils into actively searching for information. The pupils are placed in groups of three to facilitate discussion and team work. This will encourage self-sufficiency, self-discipline and imagination, in order to offer young adolescents the opportunity to take control of their own lives. The three pupils perform experiments, observe, reflect, consult their books, decide and make notes together, draw if necessary. Answers and comments are eventually presented to the whole class at the end of the lesson. The teacher's role is more that of a supervisor than of a traditional instructor. In fact, his greatest problem is being able to keep quiet and to stop himself from giving the explanation for the phenomenon too quickly. By doing this he allows the pupil to build innumerable thought connections and they become quicker and quicker at solving problems for themselves. Resource Based Learning in Great-Britain, Lernen durch Lehren in Germany ! De scholen krijgen een studie-huis, waar de leerlingen de stof zelfstandig moeten verwerken in Netherland ! In a number of European countries, agreeable methods have produced successful results which are all based on the principle that study should be centred on the pupil rather than the teacher. |